Introduction to Basic level Tawhid Class 1

Tawhid occupies a very prominent place in Islam. It’s mandatory to study Tawhid because it’s the heart and essence of Islam. It consolidates in the heart, matters of Aqidah (creed) and Iman (belief), which are considered as the basic foundation on which the life of a person is established. Moreover, worship, deeds and characters of a person are all judged and rewarded if only they are based on the correct Aqidah and Iman.

With the grace of Allah, Sub’hanahu wa Ta’ala, the Aqidah of Islam is very clear and easy to understand. Human nature easily accepts it. A person, even if he is still young or illiterate, can easily grasp and comprehend it.

However, the simplicity of lessons and arrangement of subjects in a beautiful manner, will surely help people to comprehend and understand the subject well. Shaykhul Islam Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul Wahhab (Rahimahullah) wrote several essays on the subject of Tawhid to teach people the important features of Tawhid and Iman in such a manner that it had a tremendous effect in cleansing the hearts of the people by correcting their wrong beliefs and planting the correct Aqidah in their hearts and thereby promoting them towards good deeds and prohibiting them from wrong deeds.

Read the Short Biography of Shaykhul Islam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (Rahimahullah)

In this class of basic level of Tawhid, Insha Allah, we are going to study the basic tenets of Islam from the essays written by the Shaykh. This class consists 13 lessons. We kindly request you to read the whole lesson carefully and try to understand the lesson completely and then try to answer the questions. You should move to the next lesson only if you are completely comfortable with the previous lesson. You can comment on the lesson using the comment box and try to explain what you understood from the lesson. You can even contact us if you are unable to understand the lesson.

Finally, the basic qualification for studying this level is that you should know to read and write Arabic and some basics of Islam.

The lessons of this Class are as follows:

  1. The Purpose of Creation.
  2. What is worship?
  3. Tawhid and its types.
  4. Tawhid ar-Rububiyyah.
  5. Tawheed-ul-Uloohiyyah.
  6. Tawheed-ul-Asmaa’i-was-Sifaat.
  7. The Messengers of Allah.
  8. The First Obligation upon Mankind.
  9. The True Belief.
  10. The Biggest Taaghoot.
  11. Non-Islamic Judgement.
  12. Claiming the Knowledge of Unseen.
  13. Rejecting the Taaghoot.

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  1. Nice lesson. May Allah bless you - ameen


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